
Coffee &
Hot Drinks

  • Espresso - 30ml 14 lei

    30ml Water, 8g Coffee.

  • Double Espresso - 60ml 20 lei

    60ml Water, 14g Coffee.

  • Americano - 100ml 14 lei

    100ml Water, 8g Coffee.

  • Espresso
    Machiatto - 30ml
    15 lei

    20ml Water, 10ml Milk, 8g Coffee.

  • Espresso
    Freddo - 50ml
    19 lei

    30ml Water, 20g Honey, 8g Coffee.

  • Ice Latte - 250ml 23 lei

    200ml Milk, 30ml Water, 20g Honey, 8g Coffee.

  • Cappuccino - 100ml 18 lei

    70ml Milk, 30ml Water, 8g Coffee.

  • Flat White - 160ml 25 lei

    100ml Milk, 60ml Water, 14g Coffee.

  • Caffe Latte - 200ml 19 lei

    120ml Milk, 30ml Water, 8g Coffee.

  • Vergnano Hot Chocolate - 200ml 19 lei

    25g White / Black Chocolate, 175ml Milk.

  • Hot Tea - 400ml 19 lei

    400ml Water, 1 tea bag: Black / Green / Rooibos / Fruit.

  • Hot Tea with Lemon for Immunity- 400ml 19 lei

    400ml Water, 1 tea bag with lemon for immunity.

  • Hot Tea with Papaya for Immunity- 400ml 19 lei

    400ml Water, 1 tea bag with papaya for immunity.


  • Strawberry
    Milkshake - 300ml
    20 lei

    Cold cream milk, Fresh strawberries.

  • Banana
    Milkshake - 300ml
    20 lei

    Cold cream milk, Fresh bananas.

& Fresh Juices

  • Classic lemonade - 250ml
    Classic lemonade - 250ml 25 lei

    200ml Water, 50ml Fresh lemon.

  • Mint lemonade - 250ml
    Mint lemonade - 250ml 26 lei

    175ml Water, 50ml Fresh Lemon, 25g Mint.

  • Mango lemonade - 250ml
    Mango lemonade - 250ml 29 lei

    130ml Water, 55g Mango, 40ml Lemon fresh, 25g Mint.

  • Orangeade - 250ml
    Orangeade - 250ml 29 lei

    75g Oranges, 100ml Water, 50ml Fresh Lemon, 25g Mint.

  • Orange fresh - 300ml 28 lei

    Oranges 800g.

  • Grapefruit fresh - 300ml 28 lei

    Grapefruits 800g.

Soft Drinks

  • Coca Cola / Fanta
    / Sprite - 330ml
    15 lei
  • Pepsi Twist - 330ml 15 lei
  • Schweppes - 330ml 15 lei
  • Cappy - 330ml 15 lei
  • Three Cents Tonic - 200ml 25 lei
  • Aqua Carpatica
    flat water - 330ml
    14 lei
  • Aqua Carpatica
    sparkling water - 330ml
    14 lei
  • Lurisia flat water - 330ml 16 lei
  • Lurisia sparkling water - 330ml 16 lei
  • Aqua Carpatica flat water - 750ml 23 lei
  • Aqua Carpatica sparkling forte water - 750ml 23 lei
  • Lurisia flat water - 750ml 29 lei
  • Lurisia sparkling water - 750ml 29 lei

Energy Drinks

  • Rockstar - 250ml 22 lei
  • FI-GA - 250ml 28 lei

Long Drinks

  • Cuba Libre - 250ml 32 lei

    Pepsi 180ml, Havana 3YO 40ml, Lime 30g.

  • Cubanito - 250ml 38 lei

    Pepsi 175ml, Havana 7 YO 40ml, Orange 30g, Angostura Bitter 5ml.

  • Cape Code - 250ml 32 lei

    Cranberry Granini 180ml, Absolut Vodka 40ml, Lime 30g.

  • Campari Orange - 250ml 32 lei

    Granini Orange 180ml, Campari 40ml, Orange 30g.

  • French Cooler - 250ml 32 lei

    Tonic water Evervess 160ml, De Kuyper Raspberry 40ml, Lime 30g, Raspberry 20g.

  • Guarana Effect - 250ml 38 lei

    Fi Ga 160ml, De Kuyper Raspberry 40ml, Orange 30g, Raspberry 20g.


  • Melon Ball - 250ml 38 lei

    Pfanner Pineapple 190ml, Absolut Vodka 40ml, De Kuyper Melon 20ml.

  • Mojito - 250ml 38 lei

    Ice 80g, Havana 3 YO 40ml, Sparkling water 40ml, Lime 50g, Mint 30g, Brown sugar 10g.

  • Berry Mojito - 250ml 38 lei

    Ice 80g, Havana 3 YO 40ml, Lime 30g, Mint 30g, Carpatica Sparkling Water 40ml, Brown sugar 10g, Blackberry 10g, Raspberry 10g.

  • Blueberry Highlife - 250ml 38 lei

    Granini Cranberries 100ml, Absolut Vodka 40ml, Mint 30g, Lime 30g, Blueberries 30g, White sugar 20g.

  • Cosmopolitan - 180ml 38 lei

    Absolut Vodka 50ml, Lime 50g, De Kuyper Triple Dry 30ml, Cranberry Granini 20ml, Ice 30g.

  • Peach Martini - 180ml 38 lei

    Havana 3 YO 50ml, Lime 50g, Pfanner Pineapple 40ml, Peachtree 20ml, Ice 20g.

  • Espresso Martini - 180ml 55 lei

    Ostoya Black 50ml, Espresso 30ml, Kahlua 30ml, Coffee 10g, Ice 60g.

  • Stress Zero - 200ml 48 lei

    Orange 100g, Lime 50g, Ramazzotti Amaro 40ml, Peachtree 20ml, Passion fruit syrup 20ml.

  • Negroni - 120ml 38 lei

    Red Martini 30ml, Beefeater 30ml, Campari 30ml, Orange 30g.

  • Love Romania - 250ml 42 lei

    Orange 120g, Lime 50g, Apricot 40ml, Chamomile Infusion 30ml, Passion fruit syrup 10ml.


  • Chandon Garden Spritz - 180ml 41 lei

    Chandon sparkling wine with bitter liqueur obtained from natural extract of orange peel and carefully selected spices - 180ml.

  • Petroni Spritz - 250ml 35 lei

    Prosecco 120ml, Orange 100g, Petroni Blanco 20ml, Aqua Carpatica sparkling water 10ml.

  • Blue Rose - 250ml 41 lei

    Prosecco 110ml, Lime 50g, Mint 30g, De Kuyper Blueberry 20ml, Rose syrup 20ml, Blueberry 10g, Aqua Carpatica sparkling water 20ml.

  • Peach Spritzer - 250ml 41 lei

    Prosecco 100ml, Orange 70g, Lime 50g, Peachtree 20ml, Aqua Carpatica sparkling water 10ml.

  • Limoncello Spritzer - 250ml 41 lei

    Prosecco 100ml, Lime 50g, Mint 30g, Limoncello 25ml, Aperol 25ml, Aqua Carpatica sparkling water 20ml, Elderberry syrup 15ml.

  • Aperol Spritz - 250ml 38 lei

    Prosecco 120ml, Aperol 50ml, Orange 60g, Aqua Carpatica sparkling water 20ml.

  • Hugo - 250ml 38 lei

    Prosecco 130ml, Lime 50g, Mint 30g, Elderberry syrup 20ml, Aqua Carpatica sparkling water 20ml.


  • Wild Cherry - 250ml 33 lei

    Pfanner Cherries 150ml, Lime 50g, Mint 30g, Honey 20g.

  • Summer Time - 250ml 33 lei

    Sprite 120ml, Orange 90g, Lime 20g, Mint 20g, Passion fruit syrup 20ml.

  • Bora Bora - 250ml 33 lei

    Orange Granini 120ml, Cranberry Granini 120ml, Passion fruit syrup 10ml.

  • Hugo Lemonade - 250ml 33 lei

    7-UP 140ml, Lime 50g, Mint 30g, Elderberry syrup 20ml.

  • Nature Call - 250ml 38 lei

    Fi Ga 100ml, Orange 80g, Lime 20g, Passion fruit syrup 20ml, Raspberry 20g, Mint 10g.

Gin & Tonic

  • Malfy Originale - 290ml 48 lei

    3 Cents Tonic 200ml, Malfy Originale 40g, Lemon 30g, Raspberry 20g.

  • Malfy Limone - 290ml 48 lei

    3 Cents Tonic 200ml, Malfy Limone 40ml, Lime 30g, Blackberry 20g, Mint 10g.

  • Malfy Arancia - 290ml 48 lei

    3 Cents Tonic 200ml, Raspberry 45g, Malfy Arancia 40ml, Red Pepper 5g.

  • Forzza Rossa - 290ml 48 lei

    3 Cents Tonic 200ml, Grapefruit 30g, Malfy Rossa 40ml, Blueberry 20g.

  • Pink is the
    New Tonic - 290ml
    38 lei

    Evervess Tonic 200ml, Beefeater Pink 40ml, Strawberries 40g, Rosemary 10g.

  • Classic Gin
    & Tonic - 250ml
    38 lei

    Schweppes Tonic 200ml, Beefeater 40ml, Lemon 10g.

Strong Stuff

  • Jameson - 50ml 29 lei
  • Whiskey Jack
    Daniel's - 50ml
    30 lei
  • Chivas Regal 12YO- 50ml 32 lei
  • The Glenlivet 12YO - 50ml 39 lei
  • Glenmorangie 14YO - 50ml 55 lei
  • Ardberg 10YO - 50ml 40 lei
  • Whisky The Macallan - 50ml 120 lei
  • Vodka Absolut (Suedia) - 50ml 26 lei
  • Ostoya (Polonia) - 50ml 37 lei
  • Ostoya Black (Polonia) - 50ml 45 lei
  • Grey Goose (Franta) - 50ml 40 lei
  • Havana Club 3YO - 50ml 26 lei
  • Havana Club Cuban Spiced - 50ml 30 lei
  • Havana Club 7YO - 50ml 34 lei
  • Bumbu - 50ml 39 lei
  • Bumbu XO - 50ml 44 lei
  • Beefeater - 50ml 26 lei
  • Beefeater Pink - 50ml 26 lei
  • Beefeater Red Orange - 50ml 26 lei
  • Malfy Originale - 50ml 35 lei
  • Malfy Limone - 50ml 35 lei
  • Malfy Arancia - 50ml 35 lei
  • Malfy Rossa - 50ml 35 lei
  • Monkey 47 - 50ml 45 lei
  • Bicken's Pink - 50ml 26 lei
  • Bulldog Gin - 50ml 30 lei
  • Olmeca Silver - 50ml 30 lei
  • Olmeca Gold - 50ml 30 lei
  • Avion Silver - 50ml 36 lei
  • Avion Reposado - 50ml 43 lei
  • Martell V.S. - 50ml 36 lei
  • Martell V.S.O.P. - 50ml 46 lei
  • Martell XO - 50ml 110 lei
  • Petroni Vermouth - 50ml 26 lei
  • Campari Bitter - 50ml 26 lei
  • Aperol Aperitive - 50ml 26 lei
  • Palincă Bran - 50ml 26 lei
  • Vișinată Bran - 50ml 26 lei
  • Disaronno Amaretto - 50ml 26 lei
  • Limoncello - 50ml 26 lei
  • Ramazzotti Amaro - 50ml 26 lei



  • Agum Sauvignon Blanc - 750ml 175 lei
  • Agum Rose - 750ml 175 lei


  • Caii de la Letea Volumul II
    Sauvignon Blanc Fume - 750ml
    160 lei
  • Princeps Aligote - 750ml 170 lei
  • Princeps Rose - 750ml 170 lei
  • Princeps Chardonnay - 750ml 170 lei


  • Vinohora Feteasca Neagra -
    Pinot Grigio - 750ml
    160 lei

    Limited edition.

  • Vinohora Chardonnay &
    Fetească Albă - 750ml
    160 lei


  • Premium Fume - 750ml 150 lei
  • Premium Chardonnay - 750ml 150 lei
  • Premium Rose - 750ml 150 lei
  • Premium
    Tamaioasa Romaneasca - 750ml
    150 lei


  • Cuvée Tohani White - 750ml 165 lei
  • Cuvée Tohani Rose - 750ml 165 lei
  • Valahorum Summer
    Wine White - 750ml
    170 lei
  • Valahorum Summer
    Wine Rose - 750ml
    170 lei
  • Siel White - 750ml 120 lei
  • Siel Rose - 750ml 120 lei


  • Faurar White - 750ml 140 lei
  • Faurar Rose - 750ml 140 lei


  • Caloian Rhein Riesling - 750ml 120 lei
  • Caloian Rose - 750ml 120 lei


  • Regno Pinot Grigio - 750ml 120 lei
  • Regno Sauvignon Blanc - 750ml 120 lei
  • Regno Rose - 750ml 120 lei



  • Liliac Pinot Gris - 750ml 140 lei
  • Liliac White Fetească - 750ml 140 lei
  • Liliac Rose - 750ml 150 lei


  • Legio – Sauvignon Blanc
    & Chardonnay - 750ml
    169 lei
  • Folclor Rose - 750ml 130 lei
  • Folclor Fetească Albă - 750ml 130 lei


  • Louis Latour Chablis
    "La Chanfleure"- 750ml
    350 lei
  • Chateau Saint Roseline
    Perle de Roseline, Rose - 750ml
    170 lei


  • Banfi San Angelo
    Pinot Grigio - 750ml
    230 lei
  • Feudi di San Gregorio
    Greco di Tufo - 750ml
    210 lei
  • Oltremare Pecorino Colline
    Teatine IGT, white Bio - 750ml
    125 lei


  • Sogrape Mateus Blue Lable, rose - 750ml 120 lei
  • Sogrape Silk&Spice, white - 750ml 120 lei
  • Sogrape Silk&Spice, red - 750ml 120 lei
  • Valahorum Fetească Albă
    (Glass) - 150ml
    30 lei
  • Valahorum Rose
    (Glass) - 150ml
    30 lei
  • Valahorum Fetească
    Neagră (Glass) - 150ml
    30 lei


  • Sparkling Cuvee Purcari Clasic White Brut - 375ml 130 lei
  • Sparkling Cuvee Purcari Clasic Rose Brut - 375ml 130 lei
  • Sparkling Cuvee Purcari Clasic White Brut - 750ml 210 lei
  • Sparkling Cuvee Purcari Clasic Rose Brut - 750ml 210 lei
  • Sparkling Purcari White Fetească - 750ml 210 lei
  • Cuvee Purcari Grand Vintage - 750ml 390 lei
  • Sparkling Cuvee Purcari Clasic White Brut - 3000ml 810 lei
  • Prosecco Fantinel Extra Dry DOC white - 750ml 130 lei
  • Prosecco Fantinel One&Only Brut DOC white - 750ml 185 lei
  • Prosecco Fantinel One&Only Brut DOC rose - 750ml 185 lei
  • Champagne Louis Roederer Brut Colection - 750ml 570 lei
  • Champagne Louis Roederer Brut Rose Vintage - 750ml 730 lei


  • Carlsberg - 330ml 18 lei
  • Carlsberg alchool free - 330ml 17 lei
  • Tuborg - 330ml 18 lei
  • Bucur Pale Ale - 330ml 19 lei
  • Bucur Brown - 330ml 19 lei
  • Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc - 330ml 19 lei
  • Somersby Blueberry - 330ml 17 lei
  • Somersby Apple - 330ml 17 lei

Draught Beer

  • Carlsberg - 400ml 18 lei

Craft Beer

  • Csiki Sor Blonda - 500ml 15 lei
  • Csiki Sor Krem - 500ml 16 lei
  • Csiki Sor Barna - 500ml 16 lei
  • Szekely Sor - 500ml 16 lei
  • Csiki Sor Gold - 500ml 17 lei
  • Csiki Sor Zmeura - 500ml 16 lei



  • 4 Types of Oysters - 240g 140 lei

    2 Céline Oysters, 2 Sentinelle Oysters, 2 Royal Oysters, 2 Golden Oysters.

Gold and Caviar Royal Oysters

  • Platter - 6 pcs 180 lei
  • Platter - 12 pcs 340 lei

"Golden" Boutrais Royal Oysters

  • Platter - 6 pcs - 300g 130 lei
  • Platter - 12 pcs - 600g 240 lei

Boutrais Royal Oysters

  • Platter - 6 pcs - 300g 105 lei
  • Platter - 12 pcs - 600g 200 lei

Sentinelle Oysters

  • Platter - 6 pcs - 300g 85 lei
  • Platter - 12 pcs - 600g 155 lei

Céline Oysters

  • Platter - 6 pcs - 300g 75 lei
  • Platter - 12 pcs - 600g 140 lei


  • Hummus with octopus <br>& truffle oil - 250g<br>(1 additives/E)
    Hummus with octopus
    & truffle oil - 250g
    (1 additives/E)
    46 lei

    Chickpeas, Octopus, Water, Olive Oil, Lemon, Tahini Sauce, Olive Oil with Truffles, Garlic, Salt.

  • Hummus with shrimp<br> & truffle oil - 250g<br>(4 additives/E)
    Hummus with shrimp
    & truffle oil - 250g
    (4 additives/E)
    46 lei

    Chickpeas, Shrimps, Water, Olive Oil, Lemon, Tahini Sauce, Olive Oil with Truffles, Garlic, Salt.

  • Carp & Shrimp salad - 370g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Carp & Shrimp salad - 370g
    (0 additives/E)
    46 lei

    Carp caviar, Shrimp, Oil, Sparkling water, Lemon, Onion, Parsley.

  • Carp caviar salad - 300g
    (0 additives/E)
    39 lei

    Carp caviar, Oil, Onion, Lemon, Sparkling water, Parsley.

  • Anchovy Pate - 150g 42 lei

    100g pate, 50g bread.

  • 4 Seafood meatballs<br>with salad mix - 160g
    4 Seafood meatballs
    with salad mix - 160g
    55 lei

    Octopus 65g, Shrimp 21g, Mussel meat 21g, Squid tentacles 21g, Olive oil, Garlic, Lemon juice, Onion, Salt, Thyme, Parsley, Chilli flakes.

  • Octopus carpaccio - 155g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Octopus carpaccio - 155g
    (0 additives/E)
    82 lei

    Octopus Carpaccio 120g, Salad 25g, Lemon 5g, Pesto 5g.


  • Shrimp "Crispy Popcorn" - 220g
    Shrimp "Crispy Popcorn" - 220g 58 lei

    Prawns 160g, Yum-Yum sauce (mayonnaise, sweet chilli sauce) 40g, mix of salad 20g, sesame dressing.
    (shellfish, egg, mustard, soy, gluten, sesame)

  • Large shrimps 30/40 on<br> a bed of potatoes - 10 pcs - 713g<br>(4 additives/E)
    Large shrimps 30/40 on
    a bed of potatoes - 10 pcs - 713g
    (4 additives/E)
    65 lei

    Shrimp, Potatoes, White wheat flour, Chicken eggs, Lemon, Sunflower oil, Pepper, Salt.

  • Breaded squid on a bed<br> of potatoes - 450g<br>(1 additives/E)
    Breaded squid on a bed
    of potatoes - 450g
    (1 additives/E)
    65 lei

    Squid, Potatoes, White wheat flour, Chicken eggs, Lemon, Sunflower oil, Pepper, Salt.

  • Fritto Misto (Tavern<br> Speciality) - 468g<br>(6 additives/E)
    Fritto Misto (Tavern
    Speciality) - 468g
    (6 additives/E)
    69 lei

    Fish fillets, Mussel meat, squid rings, shrimp, mussels, chicken eggs, lemon, sunflower oil, white wheat flour, pepper, salt, milk.

  • Large breaded shrimps <br>30/40  PANKO - 10 pcs - 481g<br>(4 additives/E)
    Large breaded shrimps
    30/40 PANKO - 10 pcs - 481g
    (4 additives/E)
    62 lei

    Shrimps, Panko breadcrumbs (Wheat flour, palm oil, sugar, salt, yeast), Chicken eggs, Lemon, Milk, White wheat flour, Pepper, Salt.

  • Breaded squid - 350g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Breaded squid - 350g
    (0 additives/E)
    61 lei

    Squid, White wheat flour, Chicken eggs, Lemon, Sunflower oil, Milk.

  • Frog legs - 300g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Frog legs - 300g
    (0 additives/E)
    63 lei

    Frog legs, White wheat flour, Chicken eggs, Lemon, Sunflower oil, Milk.

  • Breaded scallop meat - 300g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Breaded scallop meat - 300g
    (0 additives/E)
    59 lei

    Scallop meat, White wheat flour, Chicken eggs, Lemon, Sunflower oil, Milk.

  • Fish & Chips - 400g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Fish & Chips - 400g
    (0 additives/E)
    67 lei

    Cod fillets, Potatoes, Beer, White wheat flour, Lemon, Chicken eggs.

  • Black Sea anchovies - 200g
    Black Sea anchovies - 200g 46 lei


  • Seafood soup - 500ml<br>(6 additives/E)
    Seafood soup - 500ml
    (6 additives/E)
    61 lei

    Peeled tomatoes, mussels, shrimps, squid rings, mussel meat, onions, celery juice, green parsley, sunflower oil, pepperoncino, garlic.

Cooked with talent

  • Lobsters / 100g 63 lei
  • 4 Seafood meatballs<br>in Naples sauce - 160g
    4 Seafood meatballs
    in Naples sauce - 160g
    67 lei

    Octopus 65g, Prawns 21g, Mussel meat 21g, Squid tentacles 21g, Neapolitan sauce 20g, Cherry tomatoes 5g, Olive oil, Garlic, Lemon juice, Onion, Salt, Thyme, Parsley, Chilli flakes.

  • Spicy pan with <Br>seafood - 500g<br>(5 additives/E)
    Spicy pan with
    seafood - 500g
    (5 additives/E)
    72 lei

    10 Whole mussels, 100g Mussel meat, 7 Squid rings, 7 Shrimps, 50g Octopus head, Tomato sauce 50g, Cherry tomatoes 10g, Bell pepper 10g, Green Parsley 4g, Olive oil 3ml, Hot pepper 3g, Butter 2g, Garlic 2g.

  • Spicy pan with<br> shrimp - 350g<br>(2 additives/E)
    Spicy pan with
    shrimp - 350g
    (2 additives/E)
    69 lei

    Shrimps, Tomato sauce, Cherry tomatoes, Bell pepper, Green parsley, Olive oil, Pepperoncino, Butter, Garlic.

  • Pan with shrimps<br>in curry sauce & rice<br>garnish - 350g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Pan with shrimps
    in curry sauce & rice
    garnish - 350g
    (0 additives/E)
    76 lei

    Shrimp, Coconut milk, Basmati rice, Olive oil, Bell pepper, Onion, Coriander seeds, Ginger, Garlic, Parsley, Turmeric, Curry.

  • Paella with <br>seafood - 500g<br>(5 additives/E)
    Paella with
    seafood - 500g
    (5 additives/E)
    81 lei

    10 Whole mussels, 100g Mussel meat, 7 Squid rings, 7 Shrimps, 70g Rice, 50g Octopus head, Tomato Sauce 50g, Cherry tomatoes 10g, Bell pepper 10g, Green parsley 4g, Olive oil 3ml, Butter 2g, Garlic 2g.

  • Risotto with shrimp<br> and wild mushrooms - 340g
    Risotto with shrimp
    and wild mushrooms - 340g
    84 lei

    Shrimps 200g (10 pcs), Arborio Rice 80g, Mushrooms 30g, Butter 10g, Onion 10g, Parmesan 10g, Garlic, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper.

  • Shrimps in wine &<br>garlic sauce - 255g<br>(1 additives/E)
    Shrimps in wine &
    garlic sauce - 255g
    (1 additives/E)
    69 lei

    Shrimp, Butter, Dry white wine, Green parsley, Pepperoncino, Sunflower oil, Garlic.

  • Mussels in wine sauce - 500g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Mussels in wine sauce - 500g
    (0 additives/E)
    69 lei

    Mussels, vegetable sauce, dry wine, green parsley, peperoncino, lemon, olive oil, garlic.

  • Boiled crayfish with<br>dill & garlic - 500g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Boiled crayfish with
    dill & garlic - 500g
    (0 additives/E)
    69 lei

    Crayfish, Dill, Dry white wine, Lemon, Olive oil, Garlic.

  • Grilled squid tentacles<br> with salad - 300g<br>(5 additives/E)
    Grilled squid tentacles
    with salad - 300g
    (5 additives/E)
    83 lei

    Squid tentacles, Mixed salad, Lemon, Sunflower oil.

  • Pescobar's grilled<br>octopus (Senegal) - 220g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Pescobar's grilled
    octopus (Senegal) - 220g
    (0 additives/E)
    119 lei

    Octopus, Mixed salad, Lemon, Sunflower oil.

  • Grilled shrimps with<br> salad mix - 350g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Grilled shrimps with
    salad mix - 350g
    (0 additives/E)
    72 lei

    Shrimp, Mixed salad, Lemon, Sunflower oil.

  • Saganaki pan <br>with shrimps - 400g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Saganaki pan
    with shrimps - 400g
    (0 additives/E)
    76 lei

    Shrimps 250g (12 pcs), Feta cheese 80g, Tomato sauce 70g, Onions 20g, Cherry tomatoes 15g, Parsley 4g, Olive oil 4ml, Ouzo 4ml, Garlic 2g, Salt 2g, Pepperoncini 2g, White pepper 1g.

  • Spicy pan<br> with octopus - 350g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Spicy pan
    with octopus - 350g
    (0 additives/E)
    129 lei

    Octopus slices 250g, Tomato sauce 70g, Olives 20g, Cherry tomatoes 15g, Capers 10g, Butter 10g, Pepperoncini 4g, Olive oil 4g, Parsley 4g, Paprika 2g, Salt 2g, White pepper 2g, Garlic 2g.

  • Cuttlefish in Wine and<br> Garlic Sauce - 400g
    Cuttlefish in Wine and
    Garlic Sauce - 400g
    89 lei

    Cuttlefish 250g, White Wine 50ml, Cherry Tomatoes 50g, Salad Mix 30g, Lemon Dressing 15ml, Garlic 5g.

  • Grilled cuttlefish - 290g
    Grilled cuttlefish - 290g 89 lei

    Cuttlefish 250g, Salad Mix 30g, Lemon Dressing 10ml.


  • Spaghetti with<br>seafood - 400g<br>(4 additives/E)
    Spaghetti with
    seafood - 400g
    (4 additives/E)
    75 lei

    Spaghetti, Mussels, Squid, Shrimps, Mussel Meat, Mussel Meat, Tomato Sauce, Dry Wine, Cherry Tomatoes, Green Parsley, Olive Oil, Garlic, Peperoncino.

  • Spaghetti with<br>Shrimps - 320g<br>(3 additives/E)
    Spaghetti with
    Shrimps - 320g
    (3 additives/E)
    72 lei

    Shrimp, Spaghetti, Zucchini Vegetable Sauce, Cherry Tomatoes, Dry Wine, Green Parsley, Olive Oil, Garlic, Peperoncino.

  • Spaghetti AOP - 200g
    (0 additives/E)
    49 lei

    Spaghetti, Peperoncino, Olive Oil, Garlic.


  • Fries - 200g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Fries - 200g
    (0 additives/E)
    20 lei

    Potatoes, Oil.

  • Bread basket - 4 pcs - 200g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Bread basket - 4 pcs - 200g
    (0 additives/E)
    17 lei

    Bread (White wheat flour, Water, Iodized salt, Baker's yeast, Improver).

  • Rice - 180g
    (0 additives/E)
    15 lei

    Long grain white rice, Basmati rice.

  • Grilled asparagus - 100g
    (0 additives/E)
    38 lei


  • Polenta - 200g
    (2 additives/E)
    15 lei

    Corn, Water, Butter, Salt.

  • Salad mix - 150g
    (0 additives/E)
    19 lei

    Baby spinach, Rucola, Valeriana.


  • Rapana in<br>wine sauce - 300g<br>(1 additive/E)
    Rapana in
    wine sauce - 300g
    (1 additive/E)
    69 lei

    Rapana, olive oil, dry white wine, butter, garlic, dill.

  • Whole squid suffed<br> with shrimps - 400g<br>(3 additive/E)
    Whole squid suffed
    with shrimps - 400g
    (3 additive/E)
    85 lei

    Squid, Mixed salad, Shrimps, Lemon, Sunflower oil.

  • Grilled squid - 400g<br>(0 additive/E)
    Grilled squid - 400g
    (0 additive/E)
    78 lei

    Squid, Salad mix, Lemon, Sunflower oil.

  • Squid with<br>feta cheese - 400g<br>(0 additive/E)
    Squid with
    feta cheese - 400g
    (0 additive/E)
    83 lei

    Squid, mixed salad, feta cheese, lemon, sunflower oil.

  • Lobster with spaghetti<br>& seafood - 850g
    Lobster with spaghetti
    & seafood - 850g
    149 lei

    1 Lobster 400-600g, Shrimps 182g, Mussels 200g, Spaghetti 70g, Mussel meat 50g.

  • Lobster with spaghetti<br>and shrimps - 850g
    Lobster with spaghetti
    and shrimps - 850g
    139 lei

    Lobster 400-600g, Shrimp 150g, Spaghetti 120g, Sauce 100g, Cherry tomatoes 50g.

  • Lobster with spaghetti
    garnish - 700g
    (0 additive/E)
    99 lei PROMOTION!

    Lobster 400-600g, Spaghetti 120g, Sauce 100g, Cherry tomatoes 50g.

  • King Crab - per 100g
    (0 additive/E)
    60 lei

    King Crab, Butter, Parsley.

  • Tentacule King Crab
    cu garnitură și sos
    278 lei
  • 12 large Shrimps in <br>sweet & spicy sauce - 400g<br>(3 additive/E)
    12 large Shrimps in
    sweet & spicy sauce - 400g
    (3 additive/E)
    74 lei

    Prawns, sweet chilli sauce, dry white wine, butter, green parsley, garlic, pepperoncino, olive oil.


  • Grilled bream - 400g<br>(0 additive/E)
    Grilled bream - 400g
    (0 additive/E)
    69 lei

    Sea bream 400g (blessed from Mount Athos, Vatoped Monastery), Lemon 50g, Mixed salad 10g, Olive oil 4ml.

  • Roasted turbot from<br> the Black Sea - 400g<br>(1 additive/E)
    Roasted turbot from
    the Black Sea - 400g
    (1 additive/E)
    99 lei

    Turbot, Polenta (Corn flour, Water, Salt, Oil), Mixed salad, White wheat flour, Oil, Lemon, Salt.

  • Grilled Black Sea pălămidă with polenta - 650g
    Grilled Black Sea pălămidă with polenta - 650g 69 lei

    400g Pălămidă, 250g Polenta.

  • Fried Black Sea Needlefish - 200g
    Fried Black Sea Needlefish - 200g 69 lei

    Needlefish 200g.

  • Black Sea anchovies - 200g
    Black Sea anchovies - 200g 46 lei
  • Black Sea fish platter<br> for 2 people - 1kg
    Black Sea fish platter
    for 2 people - 1kg
    189 lei

    Turbot 300g, Pălămidă 300g, Anchovy 200g, Polecat 200g.


  • Paul's Seafood platter - 4500g<br>(8 additives/E)
    Paul's Seafood platter - 4500g
    (8 additives/E)
    619 lei

    Cool seafood fritto 500g, Mussels 500g, Prawns 450g, Lobster 400g, Sea bream 800g (blessed from Mount Athos, Vatoped Monastery), Squid tentacles 400g, Octopus 300g, Parsley, Lemon, Olive oil. + 1 bottle of Tohani Siel White or Purcari Vinohora Rose.

  • "Atât s-a putut" platter - 2800g<br>(4 people)<br>(0 aditivi/E)
    "Atât s-a putut" platter - 2800g
    (4 people)
    (0 aditivi/E)
    469 lei

    6 pcs. Jumbo Shrimps 600g, Bream 500g (blessed from Mount Athos, Vatoped Monastery), Pălămidă 450g, 2 pcs. Turbot 400g, 6 pcs. Polenta 350g, 12 pcs. Half Mussels 300g, Lemon 100g, Salad 50g, Pesto 30g. + 1 bottle of Tohani Siel White or Purcari Vinohora Rose.

  •  #Gest by Pescobar platter<br> (2 people) - 1800g<br>(3 additives/E)
    #Gest by Pescobar platter
    (2 people) - 1800g
    (3 additives/E)
    409 lei

    Lobster, Mussels, Squid, Octopus, Shrimps, Lemon, Parsley.

  • Breaded hot plate <br>(2 people) - 1155g<br>(8 additives/E)
    Breaded hot plate
    (2 people) - 1155g
    (8 additives/E)
    299 lei

    Squid, Shrimp, Fish fillet, French fries, Squid tentacles, Mussels, White wheat flour, Sunflower oil, Milk.

  • Grilled Elisabeta Lipă <br>Olympic Plate (2 people) - 1160g<br>(8 additives/E)
    Grilled Elisabeta Lipă
    Olympic Plate (2 people) - 1160g
    (8 additives/E)
    289 lei

    Shrimp 230g, Pălămidă 230g, Mussels 220g, Squid 180g, Lemon 150g, Squid Tentacles 120g, Pesto 30g.

  • Grilled Elisabeta Lipă <br>Olympic Plate (4 people) - 2320g<br>(8 additives/E)
    Grilled Elisabeta Lipă
    Olympic Plate (4 people) - 2320g
    (8 additives/E)
    509 lei

    Shrimp 460g, Pălămidă 460g, Mussels 440g, Squid 360g, Lemon 300g, Squid Tentacles 240g, Pesto 60g. + 1 bottle of Tohani Siel White or Purcari Vinohora Rose.

  • Platter with Jumbo<br>Black Tiger Shrimps<br>(2 people) - 1000g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Platter with Jumbo
    Black Tiger Shrimps
    (2 people) - 1000g
    (0 additives/E)
    271 lei 259 lei

    Jumbo Black Tiger Shrimps, Lemon. Promotion valid from 01/03/2024 to 01/06/2024!

  • Platter with Jumbo Black Tiger<br>Shrimps in garlic butter sauce<br>(2 persoane) - 940g<br>(0 aditivi/E)
    Platter with Jumbo Black Tiger
    Shrimps in garlic butter sauce
    (2 persoane) - 940g
    (0 aditivi/E)
    249 lei

    10 x Jumbo Black Tiger Shrimps, 100g Butter, 100ml Olive Oil, 20ml Lime Juice, Thyme, Pepperoncino, Salt.

  • Crayfish & Shrimp platter<br> in wine & garlic - 1000g<br>(4 additives/E)
    Crayfish & Shrimp platter
    in wine & garlic - 1000g
    (4 additives/E)
    199 lei

    Shrimps, Crayfish, Olive Oil, Dry Wine, Butter, Garlic.

  • Crayfish & Mussels <br>platter (2 people) - 1000g<br>(0 additives/E)
    Crayfish & Mussels
    platter (2 people) - 1000g
    (0 additives/E)
    199 lei

    Mussels, Crayfish, Mussels.

  • Mussels & Shrimp platter<br> in wine & garlic - 1000g<br>(4 additives/E)
    Mussels & Shrimp platter
    in wine & garlic - 1000g
    (4 additives/E)
    199 lei

    Mussels, Shrimps, Mussels, Olive Oil, Dry Wine, Butter, Garlic.


  • Aioli sauce - 50ml
    (0 additives/E)
    10 lei

    Mayonnaise, Sparkling water, Garlic, Lemon juice.

  • Spicy Mayonnaise - 50ml
    (0 additives/E)
    10 lei

    Mayonnaise 40g, Siracha 10g.

  • Spicy sauce
    "Siracha" - 50ml
    (1 additives/E)
    10 lei

    Chili Flakes, Vinegar, Garlic, Water, Salt, Sugar.

  • Garlic sauce - 50ml
    (0 additives/E)
    10 lei

    Sunflower oil, Sparkling water, Garlic.

  • Sweet chili sauce - 50ml
    (1 additives/E)
    10 lei

    Red peppers, Starch, Vinegar, Salt, Garlic, Water, Sugar.

  • Chilli mango salsa sauce - 50ml
    (3 additives/E)
    10 lei

    Hot peppers, Coriander seeds, Soy sauce (Sugar, Soy sauce), Water, Molasses, Salt, Burnt sugar syrup, Flavors, Sweet chilli sauce, Mango, Red onion, Kapia peppers, Cherry tomatoes, Fresh chives, Vinegar.

  • Tartar sauce - 50ml
    (1 additives/E)
    10 lei

    Mayonnaise (Egg, Sweet Mustard, Sunflower Oil, Lemon, Salt), Pickled Cucumbers (Water, Salt, Dill), Onion, Lemon Juice, Capers (Whole Capers, Salt, Water, Wine Vinegar), Green Chives)


  • Dessert of the day
    Dessert of the day 39 lei

    Prepared by us.

  • Eclair 32 lei


  • Lemon - 80g
    (0 additives/E)
    5 lei
  • Honey - 12g
    (0 additives/E)
    1 lei


  • Heets 20 lei

    Types: Heets Russet, Heets Bronze, Heets Sienna, Heets Teak, Heets Amber, Heets Yellow, Heets Silver, Heets Ruby, Heets Amelia Pearl, Heets Abora Pearl, Heets Laguna Swift, Heets Mauve Wave, Heets Sienna Caps, Heets Turqoise, Heets Blue, Heets Kelly.

  • Terea 20 lei

    Types: Terea Russet, Terea Amber, Terea Yellow, Terea Bronze, Terea Silver, Terea Sienna, Terea Teak, Terea Turquoise, Terea Blue, Terea Kelly, Terea Mauve, Terea Ruby Fuse.

  • Parliament 27 lei

    Types: Parliament Reserve Premium Super Slims 100s, Parliament Aqua Blue, Parliament Aqua Blue Slims 100s.

  • Marlboro 22 lei

    Types: Marlboro Micro Touch, Marlboro Micro Fine Touch , Marlboro Micro Touch Green;
    Marlboro XL Touch Plus, Marlboro Gold Touch XL, Marlboro XL Touch, Marlboro XL Fine Touch;
    Marlboro Touch 6, Marlboro Fine Touch 4.

  • Marlboro Special 25,5 lei

    Types: Marlboro Gold 100s, Marlboro Gold, Marlboro Red 100s, Marlboro Red.

The products come from frozen ingredients.



REGULATION (EU) NO 1169/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on 25 October 2011 on the provision of food information to consumers.

1. Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat (such as spelt and wheat khorasan wheat), rye, barley, oats or their hybrids and derived products, except:
(a) glucose syrups derived from wheat, including dextrose (1);
(b) maltodextrins derived from wheat (1);
(c) glucose syrups obtained from barley;
(d) cereals used for the manufacture of distillates or ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin.
2. Crustaceans and products derived therefrom.
3. Eggs and egg products.
4. Fish and products thereof, except:
(a) fish gelatine used as a carrier substance for preparations of vitamin or carotenoid preparations;
(b) fish gelatine or ihtiol used for clarifying beer or wine.
5. Groundnuts and derived products.
6. Soybeans and derived products, except:
(a) fully refined soya bean oil and fat (1);
(b) natural mixtures of tocopherols (E306), natural tocopherol D-alpha, natural D-alpha tocopherol acetate, D-alpha tocopherol succinate natural, derived from soybean;
(c) phytosterols and phytosterol esters derived from vegetable oils, derived from soya;
(d) plant stanol esters made from plant oil sterols obtained from soya.
7. Milk and derived products (including lactose), except:
(a) whey used for the manufacture of distillates or ethyl alcohol of agricultural ethyl alcohol;
(b) lactitol.
8. Nuts, i.e.: almonds (Amygdalus communis L.), hazelnuts hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale), Pecan nuts (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch), walnuts Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachios (Pistacia vera), macadamia nuts and Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia), and products thereof, excluding nuts used for the manufacture of distillates or ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin.
9. Celery and products thereof.
10. Mustard and products thereof.
11. Sesame seeds and derived products.
12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites in concentrations higher than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/litre in total SO2 must be calculated for ready-to-eat products or reconstituted in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions.
13. Lupin and derived products.
14. Molluscs and products thereof.